
IOM European Championship 2018.

Ladies and gents final competitors list has been published!

January 6th was closing date for all entry forms and for receiving of Stage 1 competitors entree fees. Few days later Mr.Cohen and Mr.Walsh (old and new IOMICA's VC Events) started to form final look of entry list.

15 Stage 1 places were empty and VC Events had placed on them all sailors that were signed in Stage 2.

5 places were reserved as guest places. Competitor from CZE thanked for the oportunity and his place took sailor from USA. On the rest four guest places we have two AUT and two THA sailors.

If somebody will have to withdraw here is a link with rules for using of reserve list.

Congaratulations to all sailors on the list and we wish them to prepare themselves and their boats as best as possible for Championship!